Printed Products for Direct Mail

Ensure your clients remember their appointments with you..

It's always a shame when clients forget their appointments, especially when you filled all your time slots and still have a wait list. Emails can sometimes not go through, and people get many texts a day. One surefire way to make sure you're not forgotten is to send an actual, physical reminder card in the mail. Be seen and remembered by sending an appointment reminder card leading up to your service events!

Below is a sample of our Service Reminder Postcard:

  • Image on back of card can be changed to another image, or you may use your head shot
  • Contact lines can be adjusted, such as a web address instead of mailing address
  • Verbiage can be changed to suit your needs.

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50 for $85 USD

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100 for $100 USD

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250 for $125 USD

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