Business & Sales Accelerator

A program designed to help you, step by step, install the necessary foundations to build the Business & Lifestyle you want.

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Online Classroom with 24/7 Access

Each week you'll get access to new video & audio training on one of the 12 Success Pillars. Each pillar is broken down into multiple lessons and each lesson includes downloadable worksheets & quick reference tools. 

Weekly LIVE Office Hours

Each week join our coaches during their LIVE Office Hours via Zoom. Ask any questions you'd like, get personalized coaching, quick tips & sales scripts and much, much more. 

Private Accountability Group

We use GroupMe to post inspiration, share successes, answer questions, and celebrate each other as we make progress throughout the year. This is consistently rated a client favorite. 


Luke Mills is a Hall of Fame sales leader for Cutco Cutlery, and Co-Founder of the Business & Sales Accelerator Coaching program. He's a family man living in Phoenix, AZ with his wife Caitlin & three beautiful children. Luke continues to be an influencer in the Cutco community while leveraging his 5+ years of coaching experience to help entrepreneurs & salespeople take their business & lifestyle to the next level. 


Josh & his wife Amiee have been in business for over 40 years combined. They are forever students of life and business and are driven by growth and contribution. They are experts at installing and improving systems, mastering sales through consistent quality communication, and scaling through attracting and retaining amazing team members. Josh is also a certified coach through the High Performance Institute and has over 10 years experience helping entrepreneurs and salespeople find and sustain their next level in life and business.

Complete an Application and one of our Rockstar Team Members will be in touch

"Since starting the coaching I’ve leveled up my skill sets with closing bigger packages, up-serving and maintaining a package & program mindset. As a result I’ve shown multiple packages to every customer and just closed a 4K order this weekend."

Mike T. - Akron, OH

"Learning how to break down my sales and averages has been really helpful. I can see what I need to do. Plus the accountability has been amazing."

Tara M. – Spokane, WA

"I’m constantly learning and growing! This coaching forces me to implement what I’m learning to develop my skills and improve my business."

Stacie B. – Philadelphia, PA

"I am learning about myself and am breaking down how I sell and then improving on my own skill sets that are already in place."

Shelly P. - Dallas, TX

"I enjoy watching the videos & listening to the audios on my own schedule. PLUS having the ability to re-listen to the calls is great. I’m also super excited about being held accountable to creating and finishing my lifestyle and business plan for the year!"

Paige C. - Little Rock, AR

50% Complete

Two Step

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