The Six Secrets to Success in Cutco (other than making calls)

cutco success Aug 13, 2017

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Make everything as FUN as possible.

For customers, the more they enjoy their time with you, the more likely they are to be in a purchasing mood. Use jokes, even if they are corny. Give them high fives, especially when they get an answer right or do or say something cool. Get to know them! Take an interest in their lives and really listen to them. Express enthusiasm for your product and your work. Enthusiasm is infectious and people love to be excited and see people who are excited.

Always be learning.

Even the very top performing people are continually looking for ways to improve their results. You’ll never get to a place where you can’t improve. At the end of every appointment, ask yourself, “What could I have done better?” or “What did I learn from that one?”. Ask others those same questions.

Cross train with other reps; you’ll always learn at least one helpful thing. Go to meetings and events,...

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