While they’re texting, updating spreadsheets, and juggling multiple CRMs – all at the same time, mind you – I’m still trying to find that stupid document I saved yesterday. Tech-savvy, I’m not. Unless by “tech-savvy” you mean crying in front of the Geek Squad. (Okay, I didn’t cry so much as hyperventilate. It was still embarrassing.)
What can I say? In this ever-evolving, culturally fluid century, I’m a time-lost relic; a woolly mammoth trying my best not to step on the toes of any “woke” hominids, be they Gen-Xers, Millennials, or whatever comes after them. (Bi-centennials? Gen-AI? Pretty sure the Terminators are in there somewhere.)
I, on the other hand, am part of the baby boomer generation, if just barely. I was born in 1964, the cut-off date for this massively large and influential group of consumers born between 1945-1964. I (and my older...
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