Increase Your Sales Results With Minimal Increase in Effort

Take a minute and think about your sales goals.


Don’t think about your current sales or what you think you can sell in a certain amount of time—this isn’t about how much you’re selling now or will sell with your current plan.


How much do you want to sell?


How much income or commission do you want to earn from sales? $100,000? $200,000? $500,000? More?


What if you could get there only by selling to people you’ve already sold to? If that sounds like a pipe dream, rethink that. It’s possible and achievable. We’ve done it, and we’re going to talk about how you can do it too.

Remember that everything new to you is harder at the beginning than it ever will be again. It’s the learning curve—your job, as it is now, is the hardest it will ever be, for a few reasons.

As you continue to get sales, your experience will help you become a better salesperson. Not only that, if you keep seeking out improvement in your skills (like reading this blog), you’ll discover other tips and te...

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