Trifold Leaving Piece

This is a great tool to have as a leaving piece for your clients.

It adds value as a teaching tool, and it gives them a nice piece to hold onto so they'll always have your contact information.

Of the two folding leaving pieces we offer (trifolds and quadfolds), this is a thinner paper and a smaller size (8.5x11 folded into 3 sections).

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Reps who use the trifold say:

"I give these to every client as a tool they can stick on the back of their block & easily reference what the different knives are used for." 

“Many people ask me if I have something that shows what all the knives are for. So I’m going to give you this cheat sheet (open it & show the inside) that you can put with your knives in the drawer. Anytime you wonder what knife to use or what food to cut with a knife, you can just pull this out and easily see the answer!”

"I give this to all my clients and refer to it as a "cheat sheet". This helps minimize the "I'm overwhelmed with all these tools and I don't know how to use them" feeling. This also positions me a a great resource for helping them get the most out of their investment."

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100 for $250 USD

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250 for $290 USD

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500 for $378 USD

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1000 for $568 USD

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3000 for $1,066 USD

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5000 for $1,532 USD

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