Products & Business Support Tools

Stay Organized. Be Clear. Sell Faster.


Sell more consistently by building trust with clients using these professionally designed specials sheets.

Drop down or up-serve more easily by having packages you can show customers while explaining them.

Have a client interested in the Cutco Kitchen? Show the Cutco Kitchen special sheet. Talking about cookware? Show them the 1-page, 3 cookware sets sheet. Are they asking about the outdoor knives? Show the testimonial and outdoor knife sheet. 

These specials sheets can be implemented into your closing process multiple ways. Show them from your tablet, desktop, phone or any other device you use when presenting to clients. You can also print them and put them in sheet protectors to add them to your presentation materials.

When you sign up for our annual subscription to Digital Special Sheets Mini Pack (charged annually) you get access to:

  • This pack of sheets immediately.
  • Timely updates when pricing changes: Have peace of mind knowing that you never have to update or redesign a page when prices change; we take care of the updates for you!
  • Notifications when new pages are added or updated, so that you can simple save the new sheets and get back to selling :)

This pack is designed for pre-CSP reps. A smaller option, with less pages, at a lower cost will help you get started without being overwhelmed by our normal pack of 120+ sheets.

When you feel ready to upgrade to that, we can change your subscription from this mini pack to the full pack... which you can see by viewing the "Cutco Digital Specials Sheets" option on this same site.

Sign up for your annual membership now...

Cutco Digital Specials Sheets

each year

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