Advanced Cutco Sales Scripts

This tool is designed to help you learn and implement what the masters consistently say and do to sell at the highest levels. 

Want to know how to sell more Upgrades to CUTCO Owners? Focus on the CUTCO Owner and Service Call scripts. 

Could you get better at selling Flatware or Cookware sets? Study the scripts and role play audios for those. 

Would you like to learn what it takes to consistently sell CUTCO Kitchens? Listen to the 30 minute training audio on how to comfortably introduce and close on them with clients. You even get a downloadable competitive pricing comparison. 

Ever wondered how to consistently sell garden tools or other outdoor and accessory products? Listen to role play audio on CUTCO Accessories. 

This tool is designed to help you consistently and confidently present and close on bigger offers to your clients by teaching you best practices for building up CUTCO products into larger packages and programs. 

 You get hours of audio training content & role play examples, hundreds of pages of proven sales scripts, plus multiple downloadable tools to help you sell more, faster, with any type of client. 

You'll be the first to know when scripts are updated and added or if any other edits are made to the files. 

These scripts are used by top reps around the business to help them speed up the sales process and consistently close bigger deals with their clients. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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