Do You Wonder How the Best Entrepreneurs Accomplish More and Maintain their Sanity by Doing Less?

personal success Jan 21, 2018

Have you ever gotten to the end of the day and though you were busy all day you felt like you didn’t get anything important done? It’s time to reclaim our lives and get back on track to accomplishing our goals and here’s a simple way to do that. accomplish-more-maintain-sanity I’ve been in business for years and it seems that the better business gets the harder it is to stay focused on the most important things. There have been many days I felt like I needed to work on an important project but things got in the way. Emails open doors, unexpected meetings, a conference call got scheduled, social media notifications and next thing you know … didn’t make progress on anything but BOY I sure did “stay busy.” Reclaiming our day can be simple when we build just a few routines in place to protect our time so we can focus on making progress in the areas we deem most important.

  1. Start the day in your best state. The most successful people have a morning routine that centers and prepares them for their day. You deserve to st
  2. ...
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The Busy Person’s Guide to Fitting in Contribution

personal success Jan 14, 2018

  fitting-in-contribution I would always hear people speak about finding a cause to get involved with and I’d say to myself, “Oh, I’ll do that when I’m making $XXX.” Or I’d say, “Oh, I don’t have time for that but when I’m a CEO and I have more time, I’ll be able to get involved in something!” Yeah right!! I learned very quickly … there is no such thing as finding or getting more time. And the more money you make the more money you spend … unless you have great habits already in place. Here are 6 steps that will help you with making contribution a consistent part of your life whether you’re just getting started or you’re already running a successful business.

  1. You’re already good enough. It’s easy to think we need more credibility, experience, money, or whatever to be worthy of someone learning from us. But remember, there is someone else who has less than you and there is something you can offer.
  2. Pick one of the 3 ways you can give. Money is only one way to give. There is also time. And expertise. Write
  3. ...
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The Funny Thing About Your Financial Freedom

personal succcess Jan 07, 2018

One of my financial planners shared a quote that has stuck with me for years. “Money doesn’t buy happiness. But neither does poverty. So we might as well be RICH!!” Money isn’t the secret to happiness BUT it is a necessary tool to helping us create the life we desire. And our ability to make it is different from our ability to manage it and make it work for us. financial-freedom I’m not a financial planner and I can’t give professional financial advice so always be sure to consult your financial gurus, but I can share what I’ve found to help me do a better job managing and saving my money as I’ve built my business and increased my income. For the first 10 years of my working life I was always the guy that would say, “I’ll begin saving when I make $XXX!” What’s funny is, no matter how much money I made at the end of the year, all I had to show for all my hard work was a bunch of bills to pay and a zero balance in the bank! I finally got sick of this feeling and decided to apply the the steps below as a ...

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Up-Level Your Sales by Remembering These 5 Simple Rules

sales success Dec 31, 2017

We are all in sales. Title or no title, we need to influence family, customers, team members and other people who support our life and business toward helping us accomplish a common mission. Today’s world is more connected, competitive, and distracted all at the same time. Our ability to authentically connect with people is arguably the most valuable skill we can develop. level-up-your-sales I’ve been in sales for over 15 years. Whether I was meeting with a prospect, speaking from a stage or running a group workshop it was becoming increasingly harder to complete a presentation without losing their focus. I felt like I was in the midst of a zombie invasion, striving to survive in a world of people wandering around reacting to every bing, buzz and ding of the little pocket computers. I was still closing enough sales to win a couple national championships; but I felt like I was pulling teeth sometimes! I began studying other masters in my industry who were competing at the same level but were getting sales...

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3 Keys to Prepare for Driving Repeat Sales

marketing Dec 24, 2017

The cost and time it takes to attain new clients are much greater than what it takes to satisfy and generate orders from your current customer base.

Here are three things to consider when you want to drive repeat sales. In fact, these are important keys to implement BEFORE you begin driving repeat business. These are keys to preparing to drive it.

Key 1: Organization of Data
Key 2: Communication with Your Clients
Key 3: Systems for Efficiency and Leverage

Treat your customers like they are valuable now, and they'll become even more valuable in the future. Treat them like they have future value, and they will.

Click here to download a PDF of my notes from this message that you can review for details or even print if you'd like. 

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Feel free to contact us using the contact link at the top of the page.

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Systems for Business Growth

systems Dec 17, 2017

Elizabeth Hancock (Guide and mentor to financial and emotional freedom) interviews Amiee Mueller on how having systems in your business helps grow your results.

Listen to the audio to learn:

  • How to know when you need a system
  • What the characteristics are of a good system
  • Why a good system is necessary for growth

To download Amiee's handout, click here. (You only need to enter your name and email. She doesn't share your email or spam you)

Click Here To Play Audio File In a New Window


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The 5 P's to Setting Yourself Up For Success

personal success Dec 10, 2017

If I can come from a kid who was in an out of jail 3 times in high school, total hippie, no sales experience, no business experience and basically very little education and build myself into a successful business owner, coach and trainer, then YOU can accomplish anything you want as well.  

 1)    What is the PROJECT that you're working on? What do you want to accomplish? 

Too many people let other people tell them what their goals should be.  Take ownership of your goal.  Go after something that YOU get excited about.  Be specific.  "I want to sell ______ by ______."

 2)    What is the PURPOSE of this goal to you?  What does it mean to you? 

Too often we wander aimlessly toward something that we want to achieve without ever defining for ourselves why we're doing it in the first place.  What does accomplishing the goal mean to you long term?  What will it help bring more of into your life?  Meaning is the #1 thing most people are missing when there is a lack of excitement or moti...

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What Does a Football Program Teach Us About Business Teams?

team building Dec 03, 2017

While listening to the Morning X on Austin’s FM 101.5 radio station in the morning, I heard Chance Mock say something that related perfectly to the world of managing sales teams. Jason, one of the Morning X hosts, was getting Chance’s opinion on Longhorn football related topics since Chance used to be a quarterback for that team while in school at University of Texas.

The two men were comparing the Texas Longhorns to other college teams and commenting on what makes the Longhorns one of the greatest teams in college football. What Chance said was, (I’m paraphrasing) many college teams have a great eleven guys – the starting line. What makes UT so strong is that they have all great guys, so when you substitute any of the starters out, another brilliant player is going in. So many guys want to play for UT that they have a dazzling team from start to finish. Whereas other college teams have the strong eleven, then the quality fades a bit in the rest of the team. Chance said the Longhorns ...

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A Changed Mind - Fickle or Fruitful?

personal success Nov 26, 2017

When I was twelve, I wanted to be a lawyer.  I think I just liked arguing a little more than was healthy, and it seemed lawyers got paid well.

When I was fourteen, I thought many foods were disgusting.  Those included broccoli, onions, bananas, tomatoes, olives, and spinach.  I also thought I knew everything I really needed to know in life.

When I was sixteen, I thought I had a pretty good handle on life.  Work your ass off, stay out of trouble, get a decent job, and find someone to marry and make kids with – that’s the way to live the good life.  Oh, and at that point, I wanted to be an accountant, because that was the only business class I had in high school. 

When I was twenty, after having anthropology, astronomy, philosophy, and literary analysis classes, I really wanted to change my major to something more interesting than marketing (which it was by that point).  But I also wanted to do something practical that would almost guarantee my marketability after college.  The goal...

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Increase Prospect’s Comfort & Increase Your Sales Ratio

sales success Nov 19, 2017

When I was 18 and left the trailer park for college, I took we me the 4 years of experience I had working as a waitress and in fast food.  I was practically an expert at scrubbing pots and pans, mopping floors, pulling fat off of raw chicken and changing out the grease in the deep fryers.  Being on my own to pay for school, I wasn’t sure how that type of work was going to cut it, and I didn’t love the work anyway, so when I stumbled across a sales job, it was the universe opening up a whole new world to me. 

Though I had never been in sales before, I took the position and worked that direct sales job around my college classes.  Not only did it pay for my college, including all personal bills, without taking any loans, it is what began my path of personal and professional development. 

I graduated college and opened up my own business where I recruited and trained sales people – most of whom had never sold anything before.  I did that for six years and was recruited to work in the reg...

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